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Project Refresh and Renew


The project site comprises Wild Asia and the glamping area on the south-west area of the Resort. 


Wild Asia was originally Beanoland and became Wild Asia in 2010 when the Kobra ride was introduced. It therefore has some of the oldest rides and buildings in the Resort and needs an upgrade. The glamping accommodation has temporary planning permission up to September 2025. The sites are enclosed by a belt of woodland that screens views of the development from beyond the Resort.


Investment here is important to enhance the area seen immediately on entering the Resort. In combination with World of Jumanji further to the east, there is an opportunity to transform the guest arrival experience.

Existing Site Layout

Hover over the numbers to interact with the plan


The proposal is to ‘refresh’ Wild Asia (and utilise the glamping area) by replacing it with a new themed land that will deliver a series of unique immersive experiences. This will involve fully themed escapism, play areas and sensory environments for the whole family to enjoy.


The centre-piece will be a new rollercoaster with indoor and outdoor elements. Other attractions will include a re-themed and re-positioned Kobra ride, new indoor ride and outdoor themed play area. Interactive retail and food and beverage buildings will also be provided.


The tree belt around the site will be retained to maintain screening and ecology benefits. Additional landscape planting will also be provided.

Illustrative Masterplan

Illustrative Masterplan

Click on the above plan to view a larger version

As shown in the images below, the development sits well in its site, with the existing landscaping enclosing the development.  


A detailed study of views from the area surrounding the Resort has confirmed that the existing boundary planting provides a high level of screening of views of the site and proposed development.


The proposal would be screened by tree coverage in summer with very limited, filtered glimpses of part of the top of the development through trees in winter.


Where visible, non-reflective materials in a suitable colour will be used to reduce the proposal’s visibility further. The map opposite identifies 11 views that are being assessed and the information below (after the site section images) provides visualisations from 4 of these representative views.

Viewpoints Map

Viewpoints Map

Click on the above image to view a larger version

Zone sections plan

Site Sections

Click on the above plan to view a larger version

View 2.1

View 2.1 South of Shy Horse Pub: 
No part of the development would be visible from this viewpoint in summer or winter.

Click on the above image to view a larger version

View 2-21a

View 2.21a Winey Hill:  In winter the upper parts of the buildings might be seen through the vegetation but this could be mitigated through the use of dark coloured materials. The existing trees will continue to grow providing increased screening over time.

Click on the above image to view a larger version

View 2-31

View 2.31 The New Field from Bridleway East of A3: No part of the development should be noticeable from this viewpoint in summer or winter provided that the main building envelope uses dark coloured materials.

Click on the above image to view a larger version

View 2-42

View 2.42a Horton Country Park:  At this distance the development would not be particularly noticeable from the viewpoint in summer or winter providing the building envelope uses dark coloured materials.

Click on the above image to view a larger version

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